For years, I researched the best eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products to make sure everything I brought home was safe for me, my family, and the environment.
After trial and error, I started using Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds around my home and it’s now my go-to multi-purpose cleaner!
Sal Suds is a cleaning concentrate from Dr. Bronners you can use for general household cleaning. It is made with a mix of synthetic surfactants that gently remove oil & dirt from a variety of substances.
ALL-PURPOSE CLEANING SPRAY Dilute 1 tablespoon of Sal Suds per quart of water. Our small spray bottle holds 16 oz of water (half a quart) so we use 1/2 tablespoon in each.
SAL SUDS LAUNDRY DETERGENT 2-3 tablespoons per large load of laundry (or half of that for HE machines).