Drying green onions takes minimal effort and a little time to restock your spice cupboard from scratch. Follow these to learn how to dry green onions without a dehydrator.
Turn your oven on the lowest setting. Prepare your baking tray by adding a piece of parchment paper. Rinse your green onions. Remove any decaying parts.
Using your scissors, trim the onion greens into 1 cm pieces directly over your baking tray. Spread the green onion pieces evenly on the tray.
Place the tray in the oven. Crack the oven door open to reduce the temperature by placing a wooden spoon or ball of aluminum foil between the oven and the door.
Allow to dehydrate for 3-5 hours. Consider stirring every hour. Check the dryness by crushing the pieces between your fingers. If they crumble, they are done.